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Musket Powder Back Strap


This is one of my favorite recipes…

This is a super simple recipe, and is one of my favorites. All you need is a venison back strap, olive oil, Musket Powder Seasoning, and hot griddle or pan. Once I remove the silver skin from the back strap, I coat the back strap in olive oil. I then completely cover the piece of meat in Musket Powder seasoning. This seasoning is different from any other I have tried. It is one of my favorites, and because of the way you apply it to the meat, it leaves an amazing texture and flavor. After the Musket Powder is completely covering the piece of meat on all sides, I get a cast iron griddle or pan ripping hot. I sear all sides until the piece of meat has come to an internal temperature of approximately 125° F. This normally takes about 3-4 minutes per side, depending on the size of the back strap. Once the meat is brought to 125° F, I pull the meat off the grill and let it rest for 5 minutes. This will bring the temperature up to a perfect medium rare. In my opinion, this is the only way to make a piece of back strap, and I can promise you will enjoy it! To give Musket Powder a try, click this link!

To watch me make this recipe, watch the video below!

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